December 02, 2023

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spirit shorts newsletter by spirit360 fellowship

Spiritual Clarity

One thing stands between you and accomplishing your goals, ambitions, and dreams.

Action. But not any action… but Right Action.

If you’re like me, the right action that gets the job done hides behind a veil of perfectionism.

“Right Thought” pierces the veils of perfection but is lost in the thunder of overthinking, fear, and confusion.

Below the image, we share the the spiritual best practices that quiet the thunder of our minds.


🫶 This Sunday's Gathering

The Spiritual Journey’s End — Life after awakening spiritually seems never ending. This week, we harness the magic of the season to illuminate our journey to finish 2023 powerfully/

Join the fun via zoom at 07:30 or 11:30 AM, PST

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🫶 Live Development Circles

Old Soul Academy Live Circles emphasize HIPTHigh-Intensity Psychic Training, EXCELerates the rediscovery of your psychic super power.

Weekly Live Circles Schedule:

  • Tuesdays at 4:30 PM, PST
  • Wednesdays at 11:00 AM, PST
  • Thursdays at 6: 45 PM, PST

🫶 A Spiritual Growth Mindset

Thoughts are things; they are real because they inform our beliefs and attitudes to determine the quality of our lives.

Spiritual growth and development open the door to our mind’s limitless power. This power is almost endless and the path to transcending magical thinking and into the realm of real magic.

🫶 the Science of Silence

Science can now look inside a working mind to verify and prove how meditation positively impacts our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Many meditation techniques calm and relax our physical body… Stillness meditation trains our mind to be still and know in 10 minutes, twice daily.

This knowing helps us walk through life with competency-based confidence unleashing magical results.


🫶 Affirmative

Water dripping on rock erodes and transforms it into something unrecognizable.

Affirmations work like water to rewire our minds with positive thoughts that change our experience of being alive, walking a path of our choosing.

The biggest pitfall confronting most people considering using affirmations is their elegant simplicity to create magical transformations.

🫶 The Shadow Knows

Our light casts shadows. To imagine this, think about the Yin/Yang symbol.

Our shadows reveal unconscious fears, wounds, and beliefs that define our experience of being alive.

Meditation and spiritual practice reveal our unconscious barriers and train us to consciously replace them with attitudes aligned with our spirit’s intent.

Properly aligned with our spirit’s intent self-sabotage melts away like snow on a warm day.

🫶 Resistance is Futile

Resistance is our mind’s favorite tool for keeping us safe and secure in the comfort of our imagination.

Spirituality breaks the tie in the tug of war-between our survival instinct and intuition, knowing and piercing the veil of delusion that there is anything outside ourselves that will cause us harm.

Spiritual growth and development help us know and trust what we know intuitively.

Practice makes perfect when consistently performed with mindful intent.

Your koan… “And why not?”

December 🫶 2-Minute Offense

A two minute offense puts you in the driver’s seat as we win 2023’s game of life…

  •  Dec 3: A Spiritual Journey’s End
  • Dec 10: Spirituality & Practice
  • Dec 17: Spirituality for Beginners Mind
  • Dec 24: Spiritual Performance Appraisal
  • Dec 31: A Spiritual Path to Freedom