0730 Service: Empath Protection Tools

empath protection tools

Today we share 3-Powerful Empath Protection Tools to help you thrive in 2022.

TS Hall, @theStoicMedium, shares how to use this psychic empathic toolset to take control of your gift.

Welcome to the Spirit360 Fellowship

Welcome to Spirit360 Fellowship I’m TS Hall @theStoicMedium, and I’ll be leading your service today. Spirit360 Fellowship is an online community of like-minds and kindred spirits. We practice spiritualism, but not your grandma’s a spiritualism.

the spiritual church at spirit360 fellowship logo icon

Opening Message from Spirit

I invite one of my Spirit Guides or Teachers to share with us gathered for our live service a message to set the tone and create a context for our time together.

Cassandra steps forward. She is a pre-Civil War powerhouse of a woman who just made sure things worked for everyone.

I’m using a light form of trance (channeling) we call Inspirational Speaking for this spirit communication.

Inspirational Speaking is a direct form of Spirit Communication. We teach the communication technique to our advanced students in the Old Soul Academy.

How do you do?

I wasn’t going to talk today, but you all started talking about this technology, all of these gidgets and gadgets and gizmos.

You’ve got all these ways you can connect. Open up to some electricity-powered gizmo and be anywhere in the world in just a few moments.
In my time, we didn’t have such things.

So we had to rely on our instincts, intuition, and gut feelings. Without all the instrumentation, you would be most surprised at how well you could connect with others.

I could connect with my friends, several counties away, even from pretty far distances, but it took practice. That, my friends, is the point.

I want you to understand and take away from today’s service that you have these magnificent ways to stay informed, but are you truly connecting with others?

Do the devices and gadgets you use to connect support your relationships, or are they barriers to intimacy.

Take a moment, breathe.

How does your little toe on your left foot feel?

Ponder this as you sit through today’s service.

Where are you directing your attention, your awareness?

Does it include your body?

Does it include others around you?

What worries and bothers do you have?

Will your gadget beep at you sometime during today’s service?

Will you be distracted or present, here, now, at this moment, taking in every drop of every word to see how you can use it to better love yourself and others?

For indeed, my friends, a warm hug cannot be duplicated by any of your devices.


While Cassandra was sharing this message with you, she showed me a hummingbird flying around a honeysuckle vine. I smelled the honeysuckle blossoms.

Yeah, maybe I’ll need to put my devices down a little bit today. Get myself unplugged.

Stillness Meditation Practice

Take that deep breath. Let’s do some meditation.

The meditation we practice at Spirit360 Fellowship is a ZaZen style of stillness meditation.

This total silence of the mind is the fastest way we’ve found to allow yourself to clear the Blackboard of your mind so that you can perceive those things Spiritual.

You effortlessly connect with your intuitive knowing, ESP, and spirit communication in this space.

Our meditation is a 10-minute practice. We recommend you do this practice twice each day.

Open. Oh, blessed Spirit,
the spiritual lives of my soul.
That I may be released from
the darkness over spreading me,
by the delusions of the outward senses.
That I may perceive and understand
those things Spiritual.

Guided Self-Healing Visualization

Spiritual Healing is a cornerstone of our practices at the Spirit360 Fellowship. As an Online Spiritual Church we share healing every service.

3-Powerful Empath Protection Tools

You can watch the video of today’s topic above or find a transcription here.

empath protection tools

Ask Me Anything: Q&A


Spirit360 Fellowship: We will send you an email with an offering plate for your donations to help us pay the operating expenses of our online spiritual church.

February is Empath Month: This week is our most accurate empathic test. Next week is Empath Protection.

Old Soul Academy: Classes begin February 1st. Details to follow. In addition to a Spiritual Church, we are an online psychic and healing arts school.

ZenResults: A business master mind group for Spiritual Entrepreneurs start in February.

Absence Healing Service

Each Spiritual Church Service we hold an Absence Healing Service to send healing energy to several your friends and loved ones.

Spirit Messages Service

We attendee at our spiritual church service is offered a psychic/spirit message for their highest and best good.

Intention Setting and Close

We connect across time and space with our spiritual church community with the assistance of our spirit guide and teachers.

Sunday Spiritualist Church Services at Spirit360 Fellowship.

Every Sunday, Spirit360 Fellowship offers two live, online spiritual church services via Zoom. Join us at 7:30 and/or 10:30 AM, Pacific Time.

GET YOUR INVITE at https://Spirit360.org

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