A Spiritualist Looks at Heaven & Hell
(Scroll down for video.)
At Spirit360 Fellowship, we believe: Heaven and Hell are real and exist as states of mind, here and now.
A state of mind, way of being—here and now
- Let’s call him Aaron. from Utah.
- Mormon, Gay, electro-shock. A journey not a destination
- Mark Twain — “I understand that when you go to Heaven you will study and progress, you study and progress and study and progress and if that isn’t Hell I don’t know what would be”.
Living in Heaven – Harmony, effortless effort.
- Harmony, spiritual laws, self, inner voice, a knowing
- inclusion NOT exclusive
- Aaron sent to San Francisco for his mission…Luke 17:21 – Lo, heaven is nei
- ther here nor there. Lo, heaven is within you.
Living Hell – right-wrong, good-bad,
- Disregarding intuitions, feelings, knowings
- Aaron gets HIV but never AIDS. All friends die.
- Proof God, church, family hate him, his behavior. Excommunicated by church – hates who he is…
- Some barrier between you and what feels right for you
Your spiritual journey and NOT your destination
- you’ll get there, in-time and on-time
- nirvana, the right hand of god, perfection, of your choosing
- As for Aaron, he lives alone in Utah with the HIV virus, reflecting on a long life of good, bad; right, wrong; seeking to be here & now…
- What about you? Are you choosing heaven our hell? What are your doing about it?