January 19, 2024

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spirit shorts newsletter by spirit360 fellowship

🫶 You're Never Alone

Feeling Isolated? You’re Never Alone at Spirit360

Dear Spirit360 Community,

Many of us may feel adrift in the snow drifts of solitude, but you have friends at Spirit360, you are never alone.

We find warmth, strength, and connectedness as we walk alongside one another on our spiritual journeys.

Today, we tackle isolation as a mind and spiritual connection is merely a thought away.

Scroll down for the rest of the article… and to learn about:

  • Sunday’s Gathering
  • Practitioner program changes
  • Buck-A-Minute Promo Changes
  • Spring Retreat Signups

Spiritual Live Coaching — Purposeful Career

Career: A spiritual path to Nirvana?!?!?

We spend the majority of our time, effort, and energy at work so why not transform your career into into a spiritual practice?

Sunday we show you how.

Join the fun via zoom at 07:30 or 11:30 AM, PST

Scroll Down to Save Your Spot

The Spirit360 Practitioner Program begins in February.

We’ve made some major changes. Here are the highlights:

  1. We’ve opened enrollment so you can apply anytime after Feb 1st.
  2. Major changes in the attendance agreements.
  3. We’ve clarified the path to being licensed.

Learn more in the intro video on the classes page.

Click Here to go there now.

🫶 Buck-A-Minute Promo is happening now...

Get private sessions with Rev Terry for a Buck-A-Minute

If you only have a Seeker account, this is the last month to get a Buck-A-Minute Sessions. You can stock up with 6 or 12 pre-paid sessions this month.

Otherwise you can continue getting FREE guidance during our Sunday Gatherings.

🫶 Spring Retreats Info

Spring Retreats Registration

  • San Diego Area RetreatApril 11 to 14
    • Registration Opens February 1st
    • Alumni Registration Opens January 25
  • Chicago Area RetreatMay 16 to 19
    • Registration Opens March 1st
    • Alumni Registration Opens February 22

🫶The Warmth of Community

When you feel alone, visualize connecting with your friends in the Spirit360 Community. If you last visited us a while ago, this Sunday’s Gathering is the perfect time to reconnect with our constellation of like minds and kindred spirits—each being a fellow empath, intuitive, or spiritual seeker.

Regardless of the distance, our connections are as tangible as the gentle sound of a meditation bell. Remember, your presence here matters to you and others as we practice being mindfully present.

🫶 Fostering Connection Every Day

During our daily practices, we intend to Rediscover our Spirit’s Intent, keeping love and acceptance alive in our hearts.

Start your mornings with a 10-minute stillness meditation, then invite Leftie & Righty to connect with you. Experience their love and acceptance.

Connecting with our spirit guides and teachers sets the stage for our absence healing work, which connects us directly with those we love.

🫶Enter the Eye of the Storm, Listen

Silence opens the door to intuitive and spiritual guidance. In those quiet moments, when the world fades away, our guides speak volumes to our hearts.

Allow yourself to dwell quietly in the eye of the storm, reacquainting yourself with your spiritual essence and Spirit’s Intent.

🫶 Your Spirit Guides & Teachers Await

Stillness opens the door to knowing, allowing you to transcend loneliness and isolation so you create spiritual solutions to life’s problems.

If ever shadows of doubt cloud your presence, take a mental stroll through the memories of our gatherings, the laughter, the sharing, and the essence of Spirit360 that binds us.

Our Sunday Spiritualist Meetings connect our community of Old Souls for fellowship, spiritual guidance, and practical instruction every Sunday at 9:00 AM, Pacific Time.

To RSVP for Sunday’s Service, Log Into Your Spirit360 Account.

Sunday’s Topic: Empath Empowerment – Part 1: Becoming a Super Empath

the Spirit360 Fellowship gathers Sundays at 9:00 AM, Pacific Time.