Slaying Demons

There Is One Essential Tool for Slaying Demons

HSPs, empaths, Old Souls, and Intuitive Feelers must master this one essential tool needed for Slaying Demons & Getting Unstuck.

Today we learn about this one thing that will help you slay the demons that go bump in your mind.

October is Spiritual Myth Busters Month

Spirit360 Fellowship exists to bring Spiritualism to those who don’t have a local Spiritual Church or Community in their back yard.

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October 30, 2022

Slaying Demons, Getting Unstuck, & Thriving

Spirit360 Sunday Gatherings Agenda:

  • Welcome to Spirit360 Fellowship
  • Opening Spiritual Lesson
  • Stillness Meditation Practice
  • Guided Spiritual Healing Visualization
  • TOPIC: Slaying Demons
  • Q&A | Ask Me Anything
  • Announcements
  • Spiritualist Absence Healing Service
  • FREE Psychic Messages Service
  • Intention Setting and Closing Circle

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If metaphysical evil existed, it would have taken over long ago.

We Start Slaying Demons By Knowing Their Origin Stories

Our intention and promise today is that you have an insight into how you can slay the demons that are taking you away from being content and happy. I invite you to consider which demons you want to slay by Halloween 2023.

So there’s nothing in the world that thrills us more than a darn good story. Since the dawning of humanity’s consciousness, storytelling has been refined into both and art and science.

slaying demons to rediscover spirit

In the beginning we would sit around the campfire and tell stories. Some stories taught lessons, others were tales of victory, cunning, and bravery, while other stories related the backstory of our very existence.

But the most memorable and entertaining of all stories were, and still are, horror stories about supernatural evil, unimaginable fears, pain, and suffering.

These horror stories laid the foundation for our demons and superstitions that still haunt our imaginations and fuel our nightmares.

Slaying Demons: Horror Story Classics

  • Halloween‘ by John Carpenter. Supposedly ending in 2022
  • Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley
  • Dracula’ by Bram Stoker
  • It‘ by Stephen King
  • +++ ‘The Exorcists’, ‘The Tell-Tale Heart’, ‘The Great God Pod’
  • … and many more.

Things That Go Bump In Your Mind

It was Halloween night, 1987, the weekend before my first wife’s birthday.

Little did I know that soon I would be having the longest night of my life and my biggest panic attack ever.

I had just started my spiritual training the September before.

I could move the pinwheel with my mind. I could.

I was just starting comprehend the difference between my mind, intuition, ESP, and mediumship.

We rented a cabin the Southern California mountains near Blue Jay. It was a nice cabin with a big fireplace and a nice rear projection tv.

Now that we have the scene set, you will have to watch the service to get the rest of the story. But here are the highlights:

  • Hollywood’s Live Houdini Séance
  • A Gnome.
  • A Spirit Entity names Helena.
  • A budding psychic medium…
  • An over-active imagination.

I remember everything as though it happened last night. 

Slaying Demons Starts Here

We start slaying demons by knowing where they exist in our beliefs.

We each have unexamined thoughts, feelings and emotions running amuck in our unconscious mind.

These belief operate automatically without us even conscious of their existence.

They can cause self sabotage, anxiety, depression, and panic.

Slaying demons begins with mapping our beliefs as they arrive, examining them, and consciously choosing if we want to keep them.

Slaying Demons: the Skills

The skills needed to slay demons are:

  • Stillness meditation (calm emotions & control mind).
  • Journaling to capture real-time occurrences for later examination.
  • Spiritual Discernment to differentiate between thoughts, intuitions, ESP, and Mediumship.

So those beliefs are easy to change. We can suspend the disbelief long enough to enjoy the entertainment, but the belief is not changing our lives. Other things not so much.

Whether it’s the devil or someone/something outside of you gonna harm you (voodoo doll, magic spells, or demonic possession).

Verifiable spiritual skills will transcend and triumph over unconscious beliefs.

Slaying Demons: the Experiences

The proof is in the pudding. When you touch stillness, then return your body’s relaxed, you’re in the eye of the storm.

Our experiences, properly perceived help change our beliefs. When I experience meditation, or move the pinwheel with my mind my experience of reality shifts.

When I experience knowing the next card intuitively, with ESP, or mediumship and I get immediate verification of my accuracy, my reality shifts.

I can then choose consciously to adapt my beliefs,

The demon we slay are those thing thats not objectively verifiable and tangible that no longer serve us.

Slaying Demons: Changing Your Beliefs About Demons

It’s Spirit360 Tribal truth that there is no Supernatural or metaphysical evil in the universe.

I did not say there is NO evil?

What I said is the evil that exists is incarnate embodied in humanity’s presence the world.

If you experience supernatural or metaphysical manifestations, they are figments of your beliefs (consciously or unconsciously).

Demon Slaying Skills

Before accepting anything as true, develop your Psychic and Healing Skills in verifiable ways.

By developing verifiable intuition, ESP and your verifiable spirit communication you will master your thinking and emotions to see things as they are.

Armed with these skills, then explore your experiences knowing what is from your mind versus from outside of you.

Then judge for yourself.

How to Get The BEST Free Psychic Readings

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Spiritualist Churches: are known for providing the best FREE Psychic Readings. Technically they’re not free because you are asked to make a donation, but at Spirit360 Fellowship, the donations are not mandatory.

  • Public Psychic Messages: The messages offered are delivered in public so they may seem a bit cryptic or vague because your Spirit Guides and Teachers will never deliberately embarrass you.
  • Many Ways To Benefit: Because Spirit360 Fellowship is a tight-knit community of like minds and kindred spirits, many of whom are on similar paths and managing many of the same life’s problems, our spirit guides and teachers will often have the medium share a message in such a way that many people can benefit from their insights and wisdom… Indeed a Win/Win Environment.

Independent Spiritualism (a simple way that works)

Spirit360 Fellowship is an Indie Spiritualist Church that practices Spiritualism as a philosophy rather than a religion.

We are not Bible based, or Pseudo-Christian (although we study and honor Jesus as a teacher and excellent healer). 

We find the practices that work, regardless its origin, to help us walk our paths toward Nirvana (individual, personal spiritual perfection) while experiencing what we incarnated to learn this lifetime. 

Join us live to see for yourself...

The only way to know if the Spirit360 Fellowship is the right place to take the next steps along your Spiritual Journey this lifetime is to join us live.

There’s some good news if you’re into FREE Psychic Readings, you don’t have to wait for our next All-Messages Service to get a Free Psychic Message. We offer free messages at each of our live Sunday Service.

To join us, create your FREE Spirit360 Seeker account and we’ll send you the details how to attend our Sunday Services Live via Zoom. 

October 30, 2022 Spiritualist Church Service Archives

Slaying Demons. Getting Unstuck. Thriving

0730 Service

1030 Service